Complete Guide On Tattoo Numbing Cream & Spray
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Complete Guide On Tattoo Numbing Cream & Spray

Say Goodbye to Tattoo Pain with These Numbing Products

Getting a tattoo is a memorable experience, but the pain that often accompanies it can be a major drawback. Whether you're a seasoned tattoo artist, an apprentice, or a tattoo enthusiast, understanding how to minimize discomfort during tattoo sessions can make a world of difference. That's where tattoo numbing creams come into play. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about tattoo numbing creams, from their types and benefits to how they ensure a comfortable and safe tattooing experience.

What is Tattoo Numbing Cream?

Tattoo numbing cream is a topical anesthetic applied to the skin before a tattoo session to reduce pain. These creams contain active ingredients like lidocaine, which temporarily numb the skin and block pain signals sent to the brain. By doing so, they make the tattooing process less painful and more enjoyable for both the client and the artist.

Tattoo numbing creams are available in various forms, including gels, sprays, and ointments. They are typically applied to the skin about 30 to 60 minutes before the tattoo session begins. The numbing effect can last for several hours, depending on the type and strength of the cream used.

For tattoo artists, offering numbing creams can enhance the client experience, making it more likely for them to return for future tattoos. For clients, it means less pain and a more pleasant tattooing experience overall.

What is Tattoo Numbing Spray?

Similar to cream products, tattoo numbing spray is exactly what it sounds like - a spray that is designed to numb the skin and dull the pain associated with getting inked. It works by blocking the pain signals that are sent to the brain, making it easier to sit through a tattoo session without wincing or squirming. While some view tattoo numbing spray as unnecessary, for others it can make all the difference in terms of being able to get through a difficult tattoo session.

Types of Tattoo Numbing Creams & Sprays Offered

There are several types of tattoo numbing creams available on the market, each with its unique formulation and application method. Understanding these options can help you choose the best one for your needs.

Lidocaine-Based Products

Lidocaine-based creams are the most common type of numbing cream used for tattoos. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that works by blocking nerve signals in the skin. These creams are effective for reducing pain and discomfort during the tattooing process.

Lidocaine creams are available in various strengths, typically ranging from 2% to 5%. The higher the concentration of lidocaine, the more potent the numbing effect. Popular brands like Ink-eeze and TAC offer lidocaine-based numbing creams specifically designed for tattooing.

Tetracaine and Prilocaine Creams

Tetracaine and prilocaine are other types of local anesthetics used in some numbing creams. These ingredients work by blocking nerve signals and providing a numbing effect. Tetracaine and prilocaine creams are typically used in combination with lidocaine for a more comprehensive numbing effect.

These creams are often recommended for clients with sensitive skin or those who may not respond well to lidocaine alone. They provide an added layer of pain relief, ensuring a comfortable tattooing experience.

Natural and Herbal Numbing Creams

For clients who prefer natural alternatives, there are herbal numbing creams available. These creams often contain ingredients like menthol, camphor, and arnica, which have natural pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.

While natural numbing creams may not be as potent as their lidocaine-based counterparts, they can still provide significant pain relief and reduce inflammation. They are a great option for clients who prefer organic and natural products.

Benefits of Using Numbing Cream for Tattoos

Using numbing cream for tattoos offers several benefits, making the tattooing process more comfortable and enjoyable for both the artist and the client.

Enhanced Comfort for Clients

The primary benefit of using numbing cream is the significant reduction in pain and discomfort during the tattoo session. This can be a game-changer for clients who are anxious about the pain or have a low pain tolerance.

By making the experience more comfortable, clients are more likely to sit through longer sessions without needing breaks. This can help tattoo artists complete their work more efficiently and with fewer interruptions.

Improved Tattoo Quality

When clients are in pain, they may move or fidget during the tattooing process, which can affect the quality of the tattoo. By using numbing cream, clients can remain still and relaxed, allowing the tattoo artist to work with precision and focus.

This can result in cleaner lines, better shading, and overall higher-quality tattoos. Happy clients are more likely to recommend the artist to others, leading to increased business and positive word-of-mouth.

Reduced Inflammation

Many tattoo numbing creams contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that help reduce swelling and redness during and after the tattoo session. This can lead to a faster healing process and less discomfort for the client in the days following the tattoo.

Reduced inflammation also means that the tattoo artist has a clearer view of the skin, allowing for more accurate work. This can be especially important for intricate designs that require detailed attention.

How to Use Tattoo Numbing Cream

Using tattoo numbing cream effectively requires proper application and timing. Here are some steps to ensure you get the best results from your numbing cream.


Before applying the numbing cream, make sure the skin is clean and free of any oils, lotions, or dirt. This will help the cream penetrate the skin more effectively and provide a stronger numbing effect.

Use a mild soap and water to clean the area, and then pat it dry with a clean towel. Avoid using any alcohol-based products, as they can dry out the skin and reduce the effectiveness of the numbing cream.


Apply a generous amount of numbing cream to the area where the tattoo will be placed. Spread it evenly and make sure to cover the entire area thoroughly. Some creams come with an applicator, while others may require you to use your fingers or a spatula.

Once the cream is applied, cover the area with plastic wrap to help the skin absorb the cream. This also prevents the cream from drying out or rubbing off before it has a chance to take effect.


The numbing cream should be applied about 30 to 60 minutes before the tattoo session begins. This allows enough time for the cream to penetrate the skin and start working. The numbing effect can last for several hours, depending on the strength of the cream and individual skin sensitivity.

It's important to follow the instructions provided with the numbing cream to ensure safe and effective use. Overuse or improper application can lead to skin irritation or reduced effectiveness.

Choosing the Best Tattoo Numbing Cream

With so many options available, choosing the best tattoo numbing cream can be challenging. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision.

Potency and Ingredients

Check the active ingredients and their concentrations in the numbing cream. Lidocaine is the most common and effective ingredient, but some creams also contain tetracaine, prilocaine, or natural ingredients.

Consider the strength of the numbing effect you need based on the size and location of the tattoo, as well as your pain tolerance. Higher concentrations of active ingredients generally provide a stronger numbing effect but may also increase the risk of side effects.

Brand Reputation

Look for numbing creams from reputable brands that are specifically designed for tattooing. Brands like Ink-eeze, TAC, and Dr. Numb are well-known in the tattoo industry for their high-quality products.

Safety and Allergies

Consider any allergies or skin sensitivities you may have when choosing a numbing cream. Some creams contain ingredients that can cause allergic reactions or irritation in sensitive skin.

If you have any concerns about potential allergies, consult with a healthcare professional before using the numbing cream. They can help you choose a safe and suitable product based on your individual needs.

Tips for Tattoo Artists

Tattoo artists can enhance their clients' experience by offering numbing creams and following best practices for their use. Here are some tips for tattoo artists to consider.

Educate Clients

Inform your clients about the availability and benefits of numbing creams. Explain how they work, the types of creams you offer, and how they can improve the tattooing experience.

Provide clear instructions on how to apply the cream before their appointment and any precautions they should take. This can help clients feel more comfortable and confident about their decision to use numbing cream.

Offer a Variety of Options

Stock a range of numbing creams to cater to different client preferences and needs. Offer lidocaine-based creams, natural alternatives, and options with additional ingredients for enhanced pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects.

Having a variety of options ensures that you can accommodate clients with different skin types and pain tolerances, enhancing their overall experience.

Follow Safety Protocols

Ensure that all numbing creams are used according to their instructions and safety guidelines. Avoid overusing or misapplying the cream, as this can lead to skin irritation or reduced effectiveness.

Maintain a clean and sanitary environment in your tattoo studio to prevent infections and ensure client safety. Use personal protective equipment (PPE) and proper cleaning products to keep the workspace hygienic.

Factors to Take into Account When Using Tattoo Numbing Cream

When incorporating tattoo numbing cream into your tattooing process, it's important to consider several factors to ensure both effectiveness and safety.

Skin Type and Sensitivity

Different skin types react differently to numbing creams. Individuals with sensitive skin or allergies should exercise caution and may want to conduct a patch test prior to full application. Understanding your skin type and how it might respond to various ingredients can prevent adverse reactions.

Duration and Timing

The duration of the numbing effect can vary based on the potency of the cream and the individual's skin. Plan ahead by applying the cream at the recommended time, generally 30 to 60 minutes before the session, to achieve optimal numbness. Be aware of how long the numbing effect lasts to ensure it covers the duration of your tattoo session.

Amount and Coverage

Applying the correct amount of numbing cream is crucial for achieving the desired effect. Use a generous but not excessive amount to cover the entire area comprehensively. Inadequate application can result in uneven numbness, potentially causing discomfort during the tattoo process.

Interaction with Tattoo Ink

Some numbing creams may affect the way the tattoo ink settles into the skin. Always use products specifically designed for tattooing to minimize any negative interactions. It's advisable to perform thorough research or consult with other professionals about the compatibility of the numbing cream with tattoo ink.

Post-Application Care

After the tattoo session, the skin may still be sensitive despite the use of numbing cream. Following aftercare instructions diligently helps to mitigate any potential irritation or prolonged discomfort. Proper hydration and protection from external elements are key components of aftercare.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Lastly, be aware of any legal regulations regarding the use of numbing creams in your jurisdiction. Some regions may have restrictions or guidelines that need to be followed. Ethical considerations also come into play, ensuring that clients are fully informed about the product and its effects before application.

Taking these factors into account ensures a safe and comfortable experience for both the tattoo artist and the client, leading to better overall satisfaction with the tattoo process.

Common Tattoo Numbing Cream FAQs

  • How do tattoo numbing creams work?

Tattoo numbing creams typically contain active ingredients like lidocaine, prilocaine, or benzocaine, which temporarily block nerve signals in the skin to reduce pain. When applied to the skin, the cream desensitizes the nerve endings, making the tattooing process more comfortable.

  • How long does the numbing effect last?

The duration of the numbing effect varies depending on the product used and the individual's skin. Generally, most numbing creams provide relief for about one to three hours. It's crucial to follow the application instructions and timing recommendations to ensure the numbing effect aligns with the duration of the tattoo session.

  • Are there any side effects?

While most people use numbing creams without issues, some may experience side effects such as redness, swelling, or itching at the application site. Rarely, more severe allergic reactions can occur. Always conduct a patch test before full application, and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

  • Can numbing cream be reapplied during the tattoo session?

Reapplying numbing cream during a tattoo session is generally not recommended, as it can interfere with the tattooing process and the quality of the tattoo. If additional numbing is needed, consult with your tattoo artist, who may have alternative methods for pain management.

  • Will numbing cream affect the tattoo itself?

High-quality numbing creams designed specifically for tattooing should not affect the ink's adherence to the skin. However, using products not intended for tattoos can potentially cause issues with ink absorption or colour vibrancy. Always choose a cream formulated for tattooing and consult with your tattoo artist for recommendations.

  • Can everyone use numbing creams?

While numbing creams are generally safe for most people, individuals with certain medical conditions or allergies should exercise caution. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, those with heart conditions, or skin disorders should consult a healthcare professional before using numbing creams.

  • Where can I buy tattoo numbing creams?

Tattoo numbing creams can be purchased from various sources, including online retailers, pharmacies, and specialty tattoo supply stores. Ensure you buy from reputable vendors and choose products specifically made for tattooing to guarantee safety and effectiveness.


Tattoo numbing creams are a valuable tool for both tattoo artists and clients, offering a more comfortable and enjoyable tattooing experience. By understanding the different types of numbing creams, their benefits, and how to use them effectively, you can enhance the quality of your tattoos and ensure client satisfaction.

For tattoo artists, offering numbing creams can set you apart from the competition and build a loyal client base. For clients, it means less pain and a more pleasant experience, making it easier to get the tattoos you've always wanted.

Explore the range of numbing creams and other tattoo supplies we offer to ensure a safe and comfortable tattooing experience every time. Ready to make your next tattoo session pain-free? Learn more about our products and get started today!